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A first-class sandwich experience!



Fast shouldn’t mean stale or pre-made options.

Chachi’s is a Manhattan-style sandwich shop providing premium quality and fresh healthy food options to its patrons. With a real awareness of the benefits of buying local, Chachi’s receives its fresh baked buns from local bakeries with the belief that you need a great bun for a great sandwich.

Sauces and spreads are prepared from scratch and their passion continues with exotic spices, fresh produce and an honest effort to make the recipes in-house.

Chachi’s is dedicated to providing fresh food options that will satisfy your taste buds!


Food Courts & Office Towers: 350-500 sq ft Neighbourhood & Power Centres, Outlet Centres 1,500-1,800 sq ft

Expansion plan

Canada 20-25 stores in the next 2-3 years

Team member

Enclosed Malls & Exterior LocationsBen LabrecqueBen@oakmontrealestateservices.com514-917-5015